
VPS WebARENA (Indigo)  初めてでも分かる使い方 docker環境準備




そこで、初めての方でも迷わないよう、以下のステップに沿ってVPS WebARENA (Indigo) の簡単なセットアップ手順を紹介したいと思います。



  1. 契約(サインアップ)
  2. SSH鍵作成
  3. ファイヤーウォール作成
  4. インスタンス作成
  5. Docker環境準備     ★今回
  6. Let’s EncryptでSSL化と自動更新




docker をインストールするためにリポジトリを追加します。

「dnf」は、Red Hat系のLinuxディストリビューションで使われている“RPMパッケージ”を扱うためのパッケージ管理コマンドです。ソフトウェアのインストール(install)や更新(update)、アンインストール(remove)の際に利用します。

CentOS 7が採用している「yum」の後継となるコマンドという位置付けで、yumと同じサブコマンド、オプションを使用可能です。

$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo

Adding repo from: https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo



sudo dnf update


Transaction Summary
Install    9 Packages
Upgrade  250 Packages

Total download size: 462 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/259): python3-netifaces-0.10.6-4.el8.x86_64.rpm                                          595 kB/s |  24 kB     00:00
(2/259): NetworkManager-initscripts-updown-1.36.0-4.el8.noarch.rpm                          1.1 MB/s | 136 kB     00:00
(3/259): glibc-gconv-extra-2.28-189.1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                        370 kB/s | 1.5 MB     00:04
(4/259): grub2-tools-efi-2.02-123.el8.x86_64.rpm                                             84 kB/s | 476 kB     00:05
(5-7/259): kernel-4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_6  3% [=-                                        ] 884 kB/s |  17 MB     08:35 ETA 


C:\Users\xxxx\.ssh>ssh rocky@164.70.xxx.xxx -p 22 -i private_key_ringo.txt
The authenticity of host '164.70.xxx.xxx (164.70.xxx.xxx)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:zXrJgLInVBUwTo6UdePNGbozxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '164.70.xxx.xxx' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Activate the web console with: systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
GPG Keys are configured as: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rockyofficial
The downloaded packages were saved in cache until the next successful transaction.
You can remove cached packages by executing 'dnf clean packages'.

Error: GPG check FAILED


sudo dnf -y install docker-ce
Last metadata expiration check: 0:20:52 ago on Sun 19 Jun 2022 09:31:47 AM UTC.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                         Architecture Version                                          Repository              Size
 docker-ce                       x86_64       3:20.10.17-3.el8                                 docker-ce-stable        22 M
Installing dependencies:
 container-selinux               noarch       2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf          appstream               57 k
 containerd.io                   x86_64       1.6.6-3.1.el8                                    docker-ce-stable        33 M
 docker-ce-cli                   x86_64       1:20.10.17-3.el8                                 docker-ce-stable        29 M
 docker-ce-rootless-extras       x86_64       20.10.17-3.el8                                   docker-ce-stable       4.7 M
 fuse-common                     x86_64       3.3.0-15.el8                                     baseos                  21 k
 fuse-overlayfs                  x86_64       1.8.2-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf              appstream               72 k
 fuse3                           x86_64       3.3.0-15.el8                                     baseos                  53 k
 fuse3-libs                      x86_64       3.3.0-15.el8                                     baseos                  94 k
 iptables                        x86_64       1.8.4-22.el8                                     baseos                 584 k
 libcgroup                       x86_64       0.41-19.el8                                      baseos                  69 k
 libnetfilter_conntrack          x86_64       1.0.6-5.el8                                      baseos                  63 k
 libnfnetlink                    x86_64       1.0.1-13.el8                                     baseos                  32 k
 libnftnl                        x86_64       1.1.5-5.el8                                      baseos                  82 k
 libslirp                        x86_64       4.4.0-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf              appstream               69 k
 slirp4netns                     x86_64       1.1.8-2.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf              appstream               50 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 docker-scan-plugin              x86_64       0.17.0-3.el8                                     docker-ce-stable       3.8 M
Enabling module streams:
 container-tools                              rhel8

Transaction Summary
Install  17 Packages

Total download size: 94 M
Installed size: 392 M
Downloading Packages:
(1/17): container-selinux-2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch.rpm                  1.2 MB/s |  57 kB     00:00
(2/17): libslirp-4.4.0-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64.rpm                             1.3 MB/s |  69 kB     00:00
(3/17): fuse-overlayfs-1.8.2-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64.rpm                       1.3 MB/s |  72 kB     00:00
(4/17): slirp4netns-1.1.8-2.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64.rpm                          4.6 MB/s |  50 kB     00:00
(5/17): fuse-common-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                 258 kB/s |  21 kB     00:00
(6/17): fuse3-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                       553 kB/s |  53 kB     00:00
(7/17): fuse3-libs-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                  968 kB/s |  94 kB     00:00
(8/17): libcgroup-0.41-19.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                     50 kB/s |  69 kB     00:01
(9/17): libnfnetlink-1.0.1-13.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                273 kB/s |  32 kB     00:00
(10/17): libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                       42 kB/s |  63 kB     00:01
(11/17): libnftnl-1.1.5-5.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                    1.6 MB/s |  82 kB     00:00
(12/17): iptables-1.8.4-22.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                   188 kB/s | 584 kB     00:03
(13/17): docker-ce-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64.rpm                                                4.1 MB/s |  22 MB     00:05
(14/17): docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64.rpm                                3.6 MB/s | 4.7 MB     00:01
(15/17): docker-scan-plugin-0.17.0-3.el8.x86_64.rpm                                         3.6 MB/s | 3.8 MB     00:01
(16/17): containerd.io-1.6.6-3.1.el8.x86_64.rpm                                             4.0 MB/s |  33 MB     00:08
(17/17): docker-ce-cli-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64.rpm                                            3.9 MB/s |  29 MB     00:07
Total                                                                                       8.2 MB/s |  94 MB     00:11
Docker CE Stable - x86_64                                                                    20 kB/s | 1.6 kB     00:00
Importing GPG key 0x621E9F35:
 Userid     : "Docker Release (CE rpm) <docker@docker.com>"
 Fingerprint: 060A 61C5 1B55 8A7F 742B 77AA C52F EB6B 621E 9F35
 From       : https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/gpg
Key imported successfully
Running transaction check
Transaction check succeeded.
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded.
Running transaction
  Preparing        :                                                                                                    1/1
  Installing       : docker-scan-plugin-0.17.0-3.el8.x86_64                                                            1/17
  Running scriptlet: docker-scan-plugin-0.17.0-3.el8.x86_64                                                            1/17
  Installing       : docker-ce-cli-1:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                             2/17
  Running scriptlet: docker-ce-cli-1:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                             2/17
  Installing       : libnfnetlink-1.0.1-13.el8.x86_64                                                                  3/17
  Running scriptlet: libnfnetlink-1.0.1-13.el8.x86_64                                                                  3/17
  Installing       : fuse3-libs-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                    4/17
  Running scriptlet: fuse3-libs-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                    4/17
  Running scriptlet: container-selinux-2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch                                  5/17
  Installing       : container-selinux-2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch                                  5/17
  Running scriptlet: container-selinux-2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch                                  5/17
  Installing       : containerd.io-1.6.6-3.1.el8.x86_64                                                                6/17
  Running scriptlet: containerd.io-1.6.6-3.1.el8.x86_64                                                                6/17
  Installing       : libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6-5.el8.x86_64                                                         7/17
  Running scriptlet: libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6-5.el8.x86_64                                                         7/17
  Installing       : libnftnl-1.1.5-5.el8.x86_64                                                                       8/17
  Running scriptlet: libnftnl-1.1.5-5.el8.x86_64                                                                       8/17
  Running scriptlet: iptables-1.8.4-22.el8.x86_64                                                                      9/17
  Installing       : iptables-1.8.4-22.el8.x86_64                                                                      9/17
  Running scriptlet: iptables-1.8.4-22.el8.x86_64                                                                      9/17
  Running scriptlet: libcgroup-0.41-19.el8.x86_64                                                                     10/17
  Installing       : libcgroup-0.41-19.el8.x86_64                                                                     10/17
  Running scriptlet: libcgroup-0.41-19.el8.x86_64                                                                     10/17
  Installing       : fuse-common-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                  11/17
  Installing       : fuse3-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                        12/17
  Installing       : fuse-overlayfs-1.8.2-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                        13/17
  Running scriptlet: fuse-overlayfs-1.8.2-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                        13/17
  Installing       : libslirp-4.4.0-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                              14/17
  Installing       : slirp4netns-1.1.8-2.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                           15/17
  Installing       : docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                  16/17
  Running scriptlet: docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                  16/17
  Installing       : docker-ce-3:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                                17/17
  Running scriptlet: docker-ce-3:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                                17/17
  Running scriptlet: container-selinux-2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch                                 17/17
  Running scriptlet: docker-ce-3:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                                17/17
  Verifying        : container-selinux-2:2.179.1-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.noarch                                  1/17
  Verifying        : fuse-overlayfs-1.8.2-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                         2/17
  Verifying        : libslirp-4.4.0-1.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                               3/17
  Verifying        : slirp4netns-1.1.8-2.module+el8.6.0+971+69b94baf.x86_64                                            4/17
  Verifying        : fuse-common-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                   5/17
  Verifying        : fuse3-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                         6/17
  Verifying        : fuse3-libs-3.3.0-15.el8.x86_64                                                                    7/17
  Verifying        : iptables-1.8.4-22.el8.x86_64                                                                      8/17
  Verifying        : libcgroup-0.41-19.el8.x86_64                                                                      9/17
  Verifying        : libnetfilter_conntrack-1.0.6-5.el8.x86_64                                                        10/17
  Verifying        : libnfnetlink-1.0.1-13.el8.x86_64                                                                 11/17
  Verifying        : libnftnl-1.1.5-5.el8.x86_64                                                                      12/17
  Verifying        : containerd.io-1.6.6-3.1.el8.x86_64                                                               13/17
  Verifying        : docker-ce-3:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                                14/17
  Verifying        : docker-ce-cli-1:20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                            15/17
  Verifying        : docker-ce-rootless-extras-20.10.17-3.el8.x86_64                                                  16/17
  Verifying        : docker-scan-plugin-0.17.0-3.el8.x86_64                                                           17/17




$ docker -v
Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701


sudo systemctl enable docker
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service → /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service.
sudo systemctl start docker


$ sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 12.1M  100 12.1M    0     0  7978k      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:-- 9437k
$ sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c
$ docker-compose up
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 677, in urlopen
  File "urllib3/connectionpool.py", line 392, in _make_request
  File "http/client.py", line 1277, in request
  File "http/client.py", line 1323, in _send_request
  File "http/client.py", line 1272, in endheaders
  File "http/client.py", line 1032, in _send_output
  File "http/client.py", line 972, in send
  File "docker/transport/unixconn.py", line 43, in connect
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
Adding user rocky to group docker
$ exit
$ docker-compose up
Creating network "minecraft_default" with the default driver
Pulling minecraft-server (itzg/minecraft-server:multiarch)...
ERROR: manifest for itzg/minecraft-server:multiarch not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown


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